Loyal To Local Shopping Spree - Winning!

Posted: November 7, 2022

This year the Spirit of Morgan City Loyal To Local Shopping Spree has been expanded to businesses across all of Morgan City and we had to be sure that we got in on the fun. Ultimately, this means that YOU get to benefit from our deep love of our local area and our desire to share our mission.

If you are not familiar with this event, we can quickly get you up to speed. In short, Morgan City Main Street has organized a scavenger hunt type event in which you bring a punch card to all participating businesses to get your card punched. However, the trick is that you have to locate the golden ticket inside of the business in order to get your card punched. In most cases, a purchase is not required to get your card punched with one exception (more on this below) 😊. You can get a punch card at any participating business.

Once you have at least 15 businesses punch your card, leave your card at any participating business and you will then be entered into a drawing with a chance to win a prize basket made up of items from every participating business.

In addition, while holding up the golden ticket at each business, if you take a selfie and post it on social media using the hashtag #spiritofmcchristmas, you will be entered into an additional drawing.

But there is more....any purchase of $50 or more made at a participating business will get your ANOTHER entry into the main drawing!

The winners will be selected at the Spirit of Morgan City Christmas Festival on November 26.

Doesn't this sound fun? We thought so!

Due to the fact that we are participating as an online retailer, we are requiring a purchase to be made. However, there is no minimum AND you will receive 5% off of the regular price. Only Curbside pickup orders are eligible. Ask your Curbside Customer Rep to punch your card at pickup!

When checking out, use the coupon code: LOCAL

You may be wondering why the subject of this email is "How To Win The Loyal To Local Shopping Spree!" We admit that the subject could be misleading, but the truth is that you win this simply by visiting any of our local establishments and making a purchase. Shopping local tremendously helps everyone in our community, in which case, WE ALL WIN! 👍

Happy Shopping from our entire staff at The Curb! 🎁

Participating Businesses

Gj Curbside / G&J Land & Marine
The Frame Shop
Joes' Boats & Work Clothes, Inc
Lafayette Electric, LLC
The Market
Michel's Pharmacy
Oh my Vinyl Craft Supply
Artists Guild Unlimited
Aucoin's Hardware
Alumni Shop for Him & Her
Besse Jewelers & Gifts
Wildflower Boutique
Preppy Pellican
Quilt of Many Colors
Sprinkles n Spice
Children's Boutique
Tiger Island Hardware
Cajun Breakers
Classic Designs
Clinic Pharmacy
Down the Bayou Nutrition & Energy
Watson's Furniture Warehouse

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